Change Maker Champion of the Well-being of Future Generations

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Criccieth Town Council is a Change Maker Champion of the Well-being of Future Generations Act

Criccieth Town Council has been chosen by the Future Generations Commissioner as one of '100 change makers' - inspiring people who ensure positive change in Wales. Cllr Sian Williams, Chair of the Town Council said;

“It’s an honour for Criccieth Town Council to be one of the 100 Change Maker Champions in Wales. This is in recognition of our numerous initiatives to improve the area and to increase the number of visitors. We developed an ambitious Community Plan which included a focus on cultural activity, place-making and well-being. A public sculpture was commissioned along with new music and poetry, community shows, an artistic town map, heritage interpretation panels along with many other activities which, together, have encouraged community cohesion, increased visitor numbers, supported local traders and maintained the town's morale through the pandemic and beyond.”

Sophie Howe, the outgoing Future Generations Commissioner for Wales announced the list, which is wide ranging and inspirational, encompassing both individuals and institutions who are making a positive difference to Wales’s present and future. The Clerk of the Town Council, Dr Catrin Jones who represented the Council at an event held at the Wales Millennium Centre on 24 January said:

“It’s fantastic to be among a list of poets, public sector workers, activists, influencers, businesses, and volunteers helping to embed the well-being goals across Wales and to appear in a list alongside actor and campaigner Michael Sheen. I had the opportunity to sit on the first Future Generations Chair created and designed by the craftsman Tony Thomas in partnership with the National Eisteddfod of Wales, which includes words chosen by the Climate Wales campaign group. The chair will have a home in the Welsh Government Cabinet Room to remind Ministers of the interests of 
future generations when making decisions."

Sophie Howe said:

“The event was about recognising just some of the people demonstrating what happens when we put well-being first, work together and consider the long-term implications of our actions, and highlights the need to support changemakers so that they can improve society for everyone. We want others to share the people who inspire them, and keep the momentum going for now and for future generations.” 

Addressing the event, the First Minister Mark Drakeford MS thanked Sophie Howe for all that she had achieved during her seven years in office. It was also a chance to welcome the new Commissioner Derek Walker, who takes up his post on 1 March 2023.